Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Idea for Home Space: Gamer Hall of Fame

I've been thinking recently of ways to improve Playstation Home. I recall being quite excited when it was first announced because of its potential. Unfortunately, very little of it has been reached so far. Fortunately, it's always been clear that the developers are more than willing to make changes as they attempt to find Home's niche. Hence, they call it a beta. My visits have proven to me that Home has failed to bring the PSN community together as intended. However, I remain optomistic that eventually they'll find what works, like FDR during the Great Depression.

My first idea is a space dedicated to recognizing average gamers that have managed to make great accomplisments within the gaming community. It could be due to a gamer's leaderboard position, trophy collecting, tourney wins, popularity, and any other related category. Nomination could be done by popular vote while induction could be determined by a panel or the popular vote, as well, or a combination of the two.

At any rate, it struck me as great idea to boost morale amongst PS3 owners in regards to playing on PSN and inhabiting Home.

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